A wonderful mode of therapy introduced by a german physiciann and scientist "samuel hahnemann" about 200 yrs ago to a simple denominator "similia similibus curantur" or "like cures like". the medicine which produce a particular range of symptoms inn healthy human, aid the sick who exhibit a similar range of symptoms. it stimulates the vitality to ahigher end towards self-regulating mechanism.
Weight Loss? I cannot do! It’s difficult and I am going to miss all good things of life, so status quo. This is an average persons belief. As a doctor nutritionist, I believe, once you get started with weight loss programme, these beliefs become irrational and there's no looking back, provided it is within the means of discipline.
A Symdrome, when the secretion fom the thyroid glands is increased and which Overstimulates the basal metabolism.
apart from the other organs in our body heart has a special role to play. all the other organs deepend on heart for the supply of blood that’s why it is the most important organ. heart is covered by a special membrane which have certain functions is called myocardium. the swelling of myocardium due any reason is termed as myocarditis.
Hyperthyroidism, A Symdrome, when the secretion fom the thyroid glands is increased and which Overstimulates the basal metabolism.
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