It is a common complaint now a days, while it is of short term or long term certainly it affects your overall health,eating habits,daily routine and as well as your vital functions. If it is of long standing that you can call chronic it can effect more or less your sexual life too. The subjective complaints of excessive straining, hard stools, lower abdominal fullness, and a sense of incomplete evacuation are the most common symptoms, that you can easily determine. The late symptoms one can identify are bad breath, sour belching, heart burn, acidity, loss of appetite etc.
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09-06-2017 Hits:9997 doctor advice Super User
While Yoga, relaxing music and calming foods may relieve stress, certain scents can also help you unwind and soothe your nerves. Here is looking at these relaxing Smells. LAVENDER: A popular...
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कद्दू के रस के फायदे सब्जी व फलों का निचोड़ रस कहलाता है। जिसे हम जूस कहते हैं। कद्दू का रस भी हमारे शरीर के लिए बेहद पोषक होता है। इसके...
Read more02-08-2016 Hits:11407 doctor advice Super User
Hi. You are receiving Health Tips from this No. because your no. Is saved in Dr.Naqvi's contact list. If you find these messages beneficial and want to tell your friends,...
Read moreबरसात के मौसम मे रोगाणुओं के पनपने के अवसर अधिक होते हैं एसे में प्राकृतिक एँटीबायटिकस का इस्तेमाल ज़रूर करें। इनमें दालचीनी, लहसुन, हल्दी आदि विशेष रूप से इस्तेमाल करने…
A very important micro mineral for a healthy body to fight bacteria and to improve your immunity. Deficiency of Mg causes psychiatric mess and osteoporosis. Loss of appetite, frequent headaches,nausea,…
Wakeup before sunrise. Drink 2 glass of water 5 times a day. Exercise for an hour. Don't skip breakfast. Say no to junk food. Cycle to work. Ditch the elevator. Breath in deep for 10 minutes. Go Green. Get…