The injured or Damajed lower part of the food pipe (Oesophagus) is Peptic Ulcer. Sometimes it extends to the stomach too.
Continued burning & severe pain in the upper part of abdomen & chest. Belching, Vomiting of bile and undigested food material. On the external abdomen the area feels hard on touch where the burning and pain persists. Severe pain after every meal so the patient avoids to eat in some cases. Loss of appetite.
Long term mental tension, sedentary living & inadequate food intake at different times. improper sleeping habits etc., are major factors which stimulates this type of disease. Continued consumption of oily and junk food. The weakness of the internal layer of muscles of the stomach is another major reason for P.U. excessive consumption of tobacco & wine also results in P.U.
Take plenty of liquid diet and meals at a regular interval of time. Decrease the consumption of spicy and junk food. Early morning take a walk to the garden, and keep your feet bare on the green grass for sometime. Avoid tobacco and wine consumption.
We at Dr.Naqvi’s have treated hundreds of peptic ulcer cases since last 25 years.
Your’s In True Health
Team Dr.Naqvi’s .
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