It is a great problem now a days as, around the world there is at least one person in each family is facing this problem. By nature our body is made in equal ratio of the constituents, excessive adipose tissue mass(fat) is deposited in the body and the weight is increased.
In the beginning no one notices this and ignores at once, but when it become a major problem with the time we notices it. Obesity is not a disease itself it is a condition that helps other diseases to invade like hypertension, gout, heart failure, Dyspnoea, anorexia etc., to grow in background and they become a major problem too.
we at Dr.Naqvi's prescribe the best suited medicines for all the complaints that the patient is suffering along with a balanced, nutritive diet plan suited to the lifestyle of the patient. As we have an experience of over 5000 smiling patients around the globe since last 25 glorious years.
Yours In True Health
Team Dr.Naqvi's
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