People are mostly affected by appendicitis in their second and third decades of life. Appendix, the part of large intestine is affected due to obstruction in the intestines & bacterial infection. Usually the process is very slow & the patient is not much aware to notice the process of all this in the beginning.
Appendix is a rudimentary part of large intestine present in the lower right abdomen hanging to lower end of ascending colon. It is quite silent when not affected but when it becomes infected, becomes more sensitive and painful.
People ignore it in the beginning, & it becomes a major problem after some time. People with low vitality, general weakness & suffering from continued gastric disorders are more prone to appendicitis. Obstinate constipation for along time period is the most common cause for Appendicitis. The bacteria and viruses develop more quickly & they have an appreciative environment in the large intestine.
The problem starts with the abdominal pain which may be normal or serious. Nausea and vomiting are associate symptoms. The incidence starts with the pain after a meal. Mild pain is felt in acute forms but further more it becomes chronic there is a severe unbearable pain.
At Dr.Naqvi’s we have an experience of having treated more than 5,000 cases of appendicitis with perfect cure and complete recovery over last 26 years.
Your’s In True Health
Dr.Naqvi’s Homoeopathy.
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